NZCBS Recordings
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dir [ Click here to go back ]
dir 2023-24 John Launchbury - To Theophilus
dir 2023-24 Photo and Song and Praise
dir 2023-24 Guy Alexande - What tomorrow will bring
dir 2022-23 Photo and Song and Praise
dir 2022-23 Glen Davies - As a Man Thinketh
dir 2022-23 Ron Houben - Dirt to Diamonds
dir 2022-23 Ken Pooley - Jesus Juxtapositions
dir 2020-21 TJ Reding - Building Together
dir 2020-21 Rob Oosthuizen - The Ministry of the Prophets
dir 2020-21 Jon Tarry - Forgiveness
dir 2019-20 Anthony Oosthuizen, Hebrew Prophets - Good and Bad
dir 2019-20 Dafydd Jenkins, Luke's Gospel - The Galilean
dir 2019-20 Dafydd Jenkins, Philemon
dir 2019-20 Exhort and Song and Praise
dir 2018-19 Photo and Slides
dir 2018-19 John Owen, James - saving souls
dir 2018-19 John Owen, Ecclesiastes
dir 2018-19 Exhort and Song and Praise
dir 2018-19 David Pearce, The Land Flowing with milk and Honey
dir 2017-18 Tecwyn Morgan, Strangers and Pilgrims (1peter)
dir 2017-18 Tecwyn Morgan, Esther an Unlikely Saviour
dir 2017-18 Exhort & Photo
dir 2017-18 Ron Houben, Lord Show us the Father
dir 2016-17 Stuart Gilmore - 2Cor, Paul's personal Message
dir 2016-17 Exhort - Photo - Song and Praise
dir 2016-17 Arne Roberts - The word of God
dir 2016-17 Arne Roberts - Ecclesial Community through the Ages
dir 2015-16 John Pople - Growing Closer to God
dir 2015-16 Exhort and Song and Praise
dir 2015-16 Christian Russell - The King Maker
dir 2015-16 John Pople - The King who fell
dir 2014-15 Mark Vincent - Psalms
dir 2014-15 Mark Vincent - Joseph
dir 2014-15 Anthony Oosthuizen - My Beloved Son
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